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Over nine million children each year die from infectious diseases like malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia worldwide and many more suffer from these diseases and their sequelae. Most of these deaths could be averted by prevention or treatment of these diseases. Sharing vital medical information between countries could reverse this trend, saving millions of children each year.1

ESPID, The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases works to inform doctors about critical developments concerning infectious disease in children. Our awards and fellowships help physicians to provide high level medical care and to research new ways to fight against infectious diseases in children and spread health benefits to developing countries. Your donation to ESPID will help physicians turn information into action and help the global community save millions of individuals from unnecessary suffering.

Help us reach our objectives:

  • To promote the exchange of information among people who have special experience in the field of infectious diseases in children
  • To support the formation and function of independent units in order to encourage progress in the field of infectious diseases in children
  • To carry out co-operative studies in Europe in the field of prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of infections in childhood;
  • To provide further education in the field of infectious diseases in children

Thanks to YOU – ESPID can pursue its mission by:

  • Providing fellowship grants to young physicians who need to be trained abroad
  • Supporting meetings and workshops that bring education and networking opportunities across Europe
  • Develop online innovative material so that physicians can have access to education from anywhere
  • Fund networks that bring together scientists and clinicians

There is still much to be done!

Donate today!

If you would like to contribute to ESPID, you are welcome to make a bank transfer to:

Deutsche Aerzte- und Apothekerbank, Munich, Germany
Account 0002438097
BLZ 700 90 606
IBAN: DE41 3006 0601 0002 4380 97


1Maxim News Global Health. “WHO & UNICEF : Preventable Infectious Diseases Cause Two-Thirds of Child Deaths Worldwide.” Maxim News Network. 12 May 2010. Link.