PID Training Programme (syllabus)


The PID training program of ESPID is finalized in 2018 and accredited by UEMS.

Full text can be found on the website of UEMS ( or by clicking here.


This document describes the European Training Program in Paediatric Infectious Diseases (PID). 

It is one of the subspecialty training programs in tertiary care paediatrics, defined by the Paediatric Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Europeènne des Medecines Specialistes; abbreviated UEMS).

This training program will define the education of specialists in paediatric infectious diseases, practising their skills and expertise within the framework of a specialised tertiary care unit. It intends to improve the level of care of children with infectious diseases and immune disorders, and to harmonise training between different European countries.

This programme also gives a basic training in immunology related to the understanding of the host response in children with infectious diseases and in children with immunodeficiencies. The program also provides an option for more in depth studies of immunodeficiency for trainees aiming to work in a tertiary care centre specialised in the care of these children.  When combined with add-on modules in immunology, this programme provides training for specialists in paediatric immunology. 


The training aims to provide the trainee an understanding of the scientific principles of infection, microbiology and the immune response. Furthermore she/he will be prepared to provide clinical care within the framework of a specialised tertiary care unit in both the in-patient and out-patient setting.

The trainee will understand the routine application of specialised diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The trainee will also have an understanding of the speciality related laboratory test procedures (including safety aspects), interpretation of the results and management aspects of their speciality. The trainee is expected to be familiar with research methodologies, teaching and presentation methods, clinical and financial management skills, audit and ethical issues pertaining to research and clinical management. She/he should also have knowledge of preventative strategies such as immunisations and prevention of outbreaks of hospital infection and communicable diseases in the society. The specialist should also be able to conduct quality assurance and research to seek cures for new diseases. Experience in teaching should be provided during the specialist training. 


 The training program is structured in modules. Each module contains training in a specific area, expertise or skill. Some modules are defined by content and duration, others by content only. Simultaneous training in different modules is possible, provided such a combination can be accepted as reasonable.

Complete training can consist of modules acquired in several different training centres.  At least one of these training locations should fulfil the criteria for a primary centre.  


Complete training in PID has a minimum duration of 24 months (full-time equivalent) after basic specialist training in paediatrics has been completed.  Some countries may require 36 months of training to be completed. It is recognised that flexibility will be of major importance to the training, particularly around the modular attachments to laboratories and the secondments to other sub-specialist areas. 


Each trainee’s progress is monitored by the training director in the primary training centre, the tutor if the trainee is working outside of the primary centre, and the trainee herself/himself.
The trainee maintains a personal logbook (portfolio), where she/he documents relevant training experiences. This logbook and the trainee’s progress through various training modules is discussed with the tutor(s) in intervals, preferably monthly.
Successful completion of a training module is certified by the tutor. 


 A completed training in elementary paediatrics (i.e. common trunk (three years)), as accepted by CESP is an obligatory prerequisites for entering the European training program in PID. 


Several institutions, located in close proximity, might combine into one training centre.  In such case, one qualified individual must be designated as training centre director who represents this centre to the outside and carries the entire responsibility for the offered program.  Under normal circumstances two qualified specialists in PID are required in each training centre, otherwise training for one year in another centre is required. 


Paediatric Infectious Diseases Training Director
A PID training director is a tutor (vide infra) and the head of a primary training centre.  She/he is responsible for the whole training program for the individual.
A training director is either a certified PID specialist or in a county where such a program has not been running, a person with at least five years of broad-based practice experience in clinical PID, teaching and research.  Such a person must have spent a minimum of 50% full time professional activity in the practice of PID to receive credit.

PID Tutor
A tutor is responsible for a specific part of the training program in close collaboration with the training director. 


For each country of EU, a list of primary training centres and training directors is compiled and updated on an annual basis.  One training director in each country should be responsible for updating this information.
Accreditation is given by the European Board of Paediatrics. In case of uncertainty or controversy, a centre visit of a nominated delegation of the Committee has to be arranged.  In general, visitation of training centres should follow the rules as outlined in the relevant UEMS charter (presently a draft). 


EU Countries With Existing Programs
National training programs in PID that already exist, or are in an advanced stage of development at the time when this European program is implemented, should be considered as compatible when they:         have a content that is comparable (not strictly identical) with the European program; have a duration of 3 years plus/minus one year related to the European program.

EU Countries Without Existing Programs

National professional medical bodies should be encouraged to adopt a national training program in PID and to structure it in close compatibility with this European program.
Until implementation of such a national training program, persons with well documented experience in PID could be certified as training directors as specified in 19.1. Motivated individuals should have the opportunity to train according to this European program and to document their obtained qualification in a relevant board examination on a voluntary basis. The instruments to monitor such training and to entertain a final examination are again the European Board of Paediatrics. 

Non EU Countries With Existing Programs   

If the existing national programs found to be compatible with the European program (based on the same criteria as listed under 21.1), a trainee, after successful completion of the national program, should also be entitled to hold the title of ‘European Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Immune Disorders Specialist’.

Non EU Countries Without Existing Programs

On a voluntary basis, the same arrangements as listed under 21.2 should apply to this situation. 


Current Situation
National examination in countries with a compatible national training program are accredited for the European qualification; however it is recognised that some countries do not have an exit qualification granted by examination, but rather by completion of supervised training program. Trainees from these countries who have successfully passed the training program will be accepted as PID specialists.


As soon as possible, the European Board of Paediatrics should approve training directors in PID/PI in every EU country. These directors should then organise the PID / PI training and examination at national level.

In the long run, an examination at European level may be organised. Successful passing of the training program is documented by a European Board Certificate.